Ever since I started to have an interest in programming in general, I've always wanted to have a personal platform where I can post things that I have done to the general public. It was when I was doing a wix website - co-designed by me - for a group assignment did I realized I could have created a website to host them all! Also, it is partly designed as a way for me to practice the React skills that I have learned thus far from a Udemy course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller AND practicing my CSS skills using flexbox instead of having always to rely on Bootstrap. Hence, you should notice that this website is mobile friendly 😁
The neat part about this website is that, everytime when I wish to create a new post, I would only be required to write them down in markdown format rather than needing to worry about html. Hence, this makes it much more easier for me to write a post in the future. And, since I am the sole author for this website, I don't need to code up a backend and store my posts in a server as it may get needlessly tedious in the future. Hence, this website is instead static.
If you are interested in the source code for this website, you may visit it here
Overall, one of the difficult parts regarding the process of me creating this website is that I had to learn how to communicate to files locally using the built in Node Js's fs function and also how to get them passed on to props. Other than that, armed with basic knowledge of React, I was able to output the posts without much difficulty. The styling was fairly simple as well, as I aimed for it look simplistic yet elegant. The hard part was only the positioning of the cards on the homepage, which truly challeged my very limited flexbox knowledge to its limits.